Big Data
Structured  or Unstructured
Predictive or Prescriptive
AI or Not to AI
Wrangling or Mining

Large or small, your company has been throwing these terms around for quite some time.  Most likely, you've actually been USING the technology associated with these terms for just as long.  The technology once leveraged by ONLY the largest of companies is now available to even the SMALLEST of companies.


My two favorite Data Analytics tools are Power BI (a Microsoft product) and Tableau (a Salesforce product).  Both tools have strengths and weaknesses that are well documented in many other websites.


The purpose of THIS site will be to demonstrate, side by side, how some tasks can be done with BOTH tools.


If you already have an IT and/or BI team performing the analysis you need, then perhaps you can contribute to this exercise.  If not, then perhaps you can contact us and we can help you fin your way.


Stay tuned for postings soon!